How to Make Long Distance Relationships Work

Relationships can be difficult. While all relationships take work, long distance relationships can be even more difficult and require even more work than those that are localized. Although they may sometimes seem more challenging, healthy and happy long-distance relationships are entirely achievable, and more and more people are learning how to make them work every day. As we have progressed into an age of rapidly growing technology, communicating with loved ones is possible and easier than ever. While we now have more platforms and means of communication, it doesn’t mean we have to put in less effort when it comes to maintaining a happy relationship. If you are trying to make a long-distance relationship work, remember these tips. Plan well and be mindful of one another’s schedule Spontaneity doesn’t seem to work as well with long-distance relationships. Many times, you are on very different schedules. Whether it be work or school, sleeping times, or even time zones, remember to be mindful of your partner’s schedule as well as ask that they do the same for you. Try to plan times to talk. This is will help to prevent disappointment or lack of attention from your loved one. Ensure you both…

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How To Heal After A Traumatic Experience

Life can really be wonderful, but unfortunately, life sometimes brings us hardships. Some people face more difficult hardships or traumas than others, just as some people deal with those traumas better than others. Learning how to deal with that trauma and heal afterwards can be difficult, but there is hope, and that is important to remember. You would be amazed what your brain is capable of, one of those things is healing and recovering from traumatizing hardships. It is important to realize that one cannot repress and forget the feelings that come from a traumatic experience, but the only way to heal is to face those feelings and deal with them head on. If you don’t take the time to face your post-trauma distresses, it is highly possible that it could lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, which will be even more difficult to overcome. It is important to not repress your feelings or hide yourself from others, but to directly face your feelings and hold on tight to your relationships in life that give you strength. Whether your trauma is a divorce, the death of a loved one, falling ill, or even experiencing events such as natural disasters or war,…

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Sadness and Depression: How to tell the difference?

Sadness and depression quite often go hand in hand. However, it is important to know the difference from when you are just sad, and when you are actually suffering from depression. It can often be difficult to differentiate between the two, but for your own mental and emotional health it is important that you do. It is very common that a person is suffering from depression, but just think that they are just sad a lot of the time. Depression is a condition that should never be neglected, which is why it is so very important that one can tell the difference between the two psychological states. There are a few key differences that will help to decipher whether it is sadness or depression that you are suffering from. Symptoms of depression Although some of these symptoms can occur with sadness, they are temporary. If you experience these signs for an extended period of time it could be more than sadness. If you are suffering from depression, the common symptoms will likely be associated: Feeling sad constantly Changes in your eating or sleeping patterns Difficulty focusing Irritability Loss of interest in activities or things that once brought you happiness Feelings…

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The Secret to A Good Marriage

Your marriage is one of the most important relationships in your life, that means you want to give it you’re all. After all, a happier marriage means a happier life. Humans are biologically built to need relationships in order to be happy. However, just like most things in life, relationships take work, and especially marriages. If you have ever thought about giving up, remember the promise that you made when it all began. If you feel like you have tried, but it isn’t working, then you should consider marriage therapy in Carrolton. When it comes to marriage, you must remember that the work you put in is what you will get out. It takes patience, love, compromise, and understanding in order to have a happy marriage. Alongside these qualities, you can implement and remember these tips to strive towards a good marriage. #1 Always focus on the positives & celebrate good things Research shows that divorce generally is a result of a lack of positive attributes rather than there being an immense level of negatives. It is for this reason that you should try and focus on the positive. While being positive in life will make you happier, focusing on…

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The Effect of Anxiety on Your Body

Anxiety is one of the most commonly suffered feelings and/or disorders among people in the United States. While some feelings of anxiety here and there are completely normal and experienced by most of us, urgent and often feelings of anxiety every day are not considered healthy and could be an indicator of an anxiety disorder. Chronic anxiety and worrying has a hugely negative toll on the quality of one’s life. It can interfere with your appetite, your relationships, your work performance, your sleep, your overall health, and the overall quality of your life. Often excessive worrying and anxiety leads to other negative behaviors in an attempt to relive one’s stress, such as over-consumption of alcohol, overeating, smoking of cigarettes, drugs, or taking it out on one’s loved family and friends. It is important to recognize whether or not you are suffering from an anxiety disorder that is affecting your life, and if so, it is best for your current and future health that you consider seeing an anxiety therapist in DFW. What is anxiety? Anxiety is a reaction to stress, and is normal amongst all humans. However, ongoing or continuous underlying anxiety could be due to a disorder such as…

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Signs Your Therapy Is Working

Making the decision to go and see a therapist is a big step. After making such a big step, you will find yourself wondering, is seeing a therapist paying off? Every week you go and see your therapist, and some days you may feel good and other days not so much, but regardless of how you feel on a given day of therapy, there are certain signs that you can look for to identify whether your therapy is really working. If you have noticed any of the following signs, then you are on the right track. You look forward to going to your therapy appointments The first few weeks of therapy will feel overwhelming. Opening up and talking to someone about your innermost issues and feelings is extremely difficult. If you have found yourself reaching a place where opening up feels good, or at least comfortable, then you are definitely making progress. Looking forward to going to your sessions means that subconsciously you know it is helping. You are taking better care of yourself If you have noticed that you are taking better care of yourself and making that self-care routine more of a priority, it is a sign that…

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Why Self-Care Is So Important

We often are very good at taking care of our family, our friends, and sometimes even strangers, but so often we forget that we need to also take care of ourselves. When we get caught up in life, work, or family, we sometimes neglect important actions of self-care. We put the to-do’s that involve taking care of ourselves at the bottom of our list and prioritize other things that we think need to get done first. The problem with this is that if you aren’t taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to go on taking care of other things because you won’t be your best self. Very often, it takes a very impactful event for us to wake up and realize that we have been neglecting ourselves. Often the world goes by so fast around us and society pushes us to focus too much of our attention on things in life that don’t benefit our own health. Making self-care a priority is extremely important for your mental, emotional, and physical health; and to live a happy and full life, you must practice it. Following these few tips for self-care can help you get there… Know your worth and…

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Why Communication Is Key in All Relationships

Relationships can be difficult, and they require commitment. A commitment to another person means a commitment to put in the effort. Regardless of the type of relationship, whether it is a husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, family member, etc., good communication is key in a relationship. Where things go wrong in communication Two large faults that we make as humans is forgetting that not everyone thinks like we do, and that people can’t read our minds. Remember that we each are different and unique, while you might be sensitive to some things, the other person may not be, and vice versa. Proper communication has to come from both ends, and that means explaining to someone how you feel and why, as well as listening to how they feel and why. A very common mistake made in communication attempts is forgetting to truly listen to what the other person is saying, don’t spend the time that they are talking, thinking about what you are going to say next but rather by actually listening. Remember, it’s a two-way street and you both must be putting in the effort. Many times, communication goes wrong because both people aren’t implementing proper communicative tactics….

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8 Ways to Ease Loneliness

Everyone goes through stages of loneliness, some of us more than others. Loneliness can be an empty and defeating feeling that drains you and can leave you with low self-esteem, feeling worthless, or unloved. Different people suffer from varied severities of loneliness and different people deal with it in different ways. We as human beings are made to interact with other humans and have meaningful relationships, it is how we get by. Although, the conflicting part of it is that even sometimes when we have people around us, somehow, we still feel lonely. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with it. If you are feeling lonely, keep reading to learn how to ease that loneliness. #1 Identify why you are feeling lonely The first thing you should do is identify why you are feeling lonely. The only way you will be able to mend your feelings of sadness is to identify where they are coming from. Say you have a lot of friends, but maybe you have so many friends that you don’t have any truly deep and meaningful relationships with any of those particular people. It is possible to have relationships that not only don’t cure your loneliness but…

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When is it ok to get back together with an ex?

Relationships are difficult. Sometimes our relationships don’t work out because they were bad timing, because we weren’t ready, or because the other person wasn’t in a good space, etc. Whatever the reason, it is true and sad that some really special relationships come to an end. Getting back together with an ex is a difficult decision and it can be complicated. You have to remember that you broke up for a reason, and you shouldn’t let nostalgia and emotions cloud your better judgement if you know that reason remains. However, many couples do work things out and get back together and end up happy and in healthy relationships, so it is possible. There are of course certain stipulations to be considered and the approach you take will be a big deciding factor in terms of success. Whether or not this rekindling is possible for you and your ex is highly dependent on multiple subjective factors. Probably the most important thing you have to remember is to not let your emotions cloud your better judgement throughout this whole process. Before making the decision to get back together, you need to set aside some time to think. You should also set aside…

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