
Signs Your Therapy Is Working

By September 28, 2018 No Comments

Making the decision to go and see a therapist is a big stepMaking the decision to go and see a therapist is a big step. After making such a big step, you will find yourself wondering, is seeing a therapist paying off? Every week you go and see your therapist, and some days you may feel good and other days not so much, but regardless of how you feel on a given day of therapy, there are certain signs that you can look for to identify whether your therapy is really working. If you have noticed any of the following signs, then you are on the right track.

You look forward to going to your therapy appointments

The first few weeks of therapy will feel overwhelming. Opening up and talking to someone about your innermost issues and feelings is extremely difficult. If you have found yourself reaching a place where opening up feels good, or at least comfortable, then you are definitely making progress. Looking forward to going to your sessions means that subconsciously you know it is helping.

You are taking better care of yourself

If you have noticed that you are taking better care of yourself and making that self-care routine more of a priority, it is a sign that your therapy is working. Taking care of yourself means loving yourself, and these two things also highly correlate with self-esteem.

You are finding yourself to be less “in your head”

People who suffer from anxiety, depression, stress, etc., often have issues being too much in their own head. Being too much in your own head means overthinking, becoming distracted by your own thoughts, overanalyzing things, or dwelling on negative thoughts. If you have found yourself living and enjoying more present moments and spending less time over-thinking, than that is a good sign.

Your relationships with others are improving

A large part of living a happy life means having meaningful relationships with others. If you have noticed your relationships with friends and family improving or becoming stronger, or even that you are forming new relationships, these are great signs that your therapy sessions are helping.

Your relationship with your therapist is growing stronger

If you have found yourself growing more comfortable opening up to your therapist and the bond between you two becoming stronger, this is a good sign that your therapy sessions are helping.

You’re more emotionally mature

Often people who suffer from anxiety, depression, stress, etc., have issues dealing with and expressing their emotions. Little things set them off or make them pull back because they simply don’t know how to deal with their emotions. If you have found yourself becoming more emotionally mature, able to handle and accept your emotions, then it is likely that your therapist is helping you.

You are able to reflect on the reasons why you went to see a counselor in the first place

Being able to self-reflect and look back and accept and understand the reasons why you started going to see your therapist in Carrolton in the first place is a big step. Being able to accept and identify those problems means acceptance and it means that you are taking steps in the right direction for improvement.

Being able to identify the positive steps you are taking and the progress you are making is a truly wonderful thing, and it is something that you should be proud of. Here at Lifeworks, our team of counseling experts want to help you to make that progress towards a happier and healthier you. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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