September 27, 2017
Can a person be cured of depression?

Stephanie Banks

Licensed Professsional Counselor


can-a-person-be-cured-of-depression-lifeworksSuffering from depression can encompass quite a hopeless feeling. It may seem you are never going to feel better or normal again. And sometimes, as soon as you start feeling better, you start anticipating for the overwhelming feeling to once again come over you. It is quite common for depression to be a reoccurring disorder, but it is also possible for it to diminish, and every so often, it is possible for it to be completely absent.

Depression isn’t something to be taken lightly, as it can have a very large impact on one’s life. It can make you feel like you just can’t do anything. Depression can make it so that it is just a hard task to get out of bed in the morning. Many people think they are alone when it comes to suffering from depression, but depression is a more common occurrence than most people know. In 2012, 16 million U.S. adults suffered from at least one major depressive episode, while 350 million people worldwide are reported to suffer from depression. The numbers have actually only continued to increase as well over time. And one of the biggest problems, is that many people are failing to acknowledge that they are depressed, and therefore, not seeking help or any type of treatment to help them cope with it. According to a national study, almost half (40%) of people suffering from depression do not seek help or treatment for their condition.

The answer as to whether or not a person can be cured of depression typically lies within the severity of their depression; but whether or not your depression is mild or severe, it’s never a stretch to give up hope of being ‘cured’. Few people are ‘cold turkey’ cured of depression, but the first step, and the best thing that you can do, is to reach out for help, as this is one of the most important steps in the recovery process. Reaching out and talking to a Carrolton depression therapist is the first step to addressing the problem and learning how to heal from it.

Here is a way to look at it, depression is kind of like a cold. How? It’s like a cold in that it is likely that you will suffer from in at least a few times in your life, unless you have “unhealthy immune system” in which it is likely that you will suffer from the ‘common cold’ more often. But, if you take the proper preventative steps to keep yourself healthy, it is possible to avoid the reoccurring of this ‘cold’.

By getting the right amount of sleep, eating healthy, avoiding alcohol and drugs, keeping your mind active, and talking to your friends and family or a therapist, you can learn to maintain a happier state. If you are looking for depression counseling in Dallas, here at Lifeworks, we want to help. Please, contact us today, and let one of our caring and experienced counselors help you feel good again.

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