
Is Therapy Right for You?

By June 8, 2017 No Comments


IS THERAPY RIGHT FOR YOU?There are moments in everyone’s life when they experience extreme sadness or happiness. At times we also experience stress, grief, and conflict. But, when is it time to seek help? Well, the truth is more often than not, Americans who need a professional do not either have one or are unaware that they need one. There are some identifying psychological factors that promote suffering needlessly, and those in distress may actually make the problem worse by avoiding professional help.

In our fast-paced culture, many people find it difficult to juggle idealistic work and home life demands. Dealing with high levels of daily stress can negatively affect our physical and mental health. Some common physical ailments, such as headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure, insomnia, and an impaired immune system, can be due to stress. This same idea applies to psychological issues, such as anger, irritability, depression, and anxiety.

On a daily basis, we find ways to lower our stress levels is consequently extremely important for our overall health. Anything from eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, and meditating on a systematic basis are all factors that can contribute to a well-adjusted lifestyle. However, when these self-care techniques fail to help us feel better, seeking help from a third party may be beneficial. So, when is it time to consider making that appointment? Here are some noticeable characteristics:

  • When it seems like everything you feel is intense.
  • You’ve suffered a trauma and you can’t stop thinking about it.
  • You have inexplicable and recurring headaches, stomachaches or a rundown immune system.
  • You’re using a substance to survive.
    • This can be anything from coffee to juice to cookies to alcohol,
  • You’re getting negative feedback at work.
    • Variations in work performance are common among those struggling with emotional or psychological issues.
    • At times, you may find yourself feeling disconnected from your job, even if it used to make you happy.
    • In addition to changes in concentration and attention, you might get negative feedback from managers or coworkers that the quality of your work is slipping.
    • Maybe someone at work has experienced similar changes in their life and advise you to seek counseling.
  • You feel disengaged from previously beloved activities (anhedonia).
    • If your clubs, friend meet-ups and family gatherings have lost their previous pleasure, it can be a sign that something is amiss.
  • Your relationships are suffering.
    • You may find yourself feeling unhappy during interactions with loved ones on a regular basis.
    • You may also experience issues with intimacy with a partner, and this may be due to some psychological stress.
  • Your friends and loved ones have told you they’re concerned.
    • Occasionally friends and family notice patterns that are difficult for you to see objectively. At this time, it may be time to consider the perspectives of those around you.

If you have any questions on couple’s therapy or building a successful relationship in Dallas or Carrolton, Texas, contact us today at Lifeworks.


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