
Back to School Tips: Preparing Your Child For The New School Year

By August 10, 2018 No Comments

Back-to-School-Tips-Preparing-Your-Child-For-The-New-School-Year-Lifeworks-Carrolton-TexasSummer is coming to an end and it is time to start getting your children ready for the new school year. Going from summer break with all the fun, games, and playtime to the daily school routine can be a difficult transition for kids. While you may be getting the back-to-school shopping list ready for supplies, clothes, etc., you should also be taking a few other steps to prepare your child for the new school year. Whether your child is starting at a new school or even just going into a new grade, it can be stressful and a bit overwhelming, especially for certain children. Follow these back-to-school tips that can help you in preparing your child for the new school year.

Get back on a schedule

While summer days, usually mean late nights and lazy mornings, the difference in schedule is usually the first and most difficult adjustment for your child when the new school year starts. Avoid the rough mornings and bed-time debates at night by starting your child back on a schedule about one to two weeks before school starts. It doesn’t need to be a cold-turkey transition, but try starting by first implementing a bedtime and wake up time, it can still be a bit later than their normal “school night” bedtime. However, once you are about 5 days before day one of school, they should be back on that “school night” time on the dot.

Discuss your expectations of them

Make sure that your child knows what you expect of them this year. Observe the year before and discuss the things that worked well, and the things that need to change. Discuss with them routine expectations, behavioral expectations, after-school activities, as well as academic goals and expectations. Going into the school year knowing what is expected of them will save for unnecessary disagreements and misunderstandings later on. 

Ensure your child feels prepared

Sometimes our children fail to express how they are truly feeling when it comes to stress, etc. They are still learning to express emotions and these stressors can come out in angry or sad behavior if they have trouble communicating it otherwise. Talk to your child and see if they are feeling comfortable with starting the new year. If it is a new school suggest taking a tour or if it is just a new grade suggest meeting with the guidance counselor. Suggest they have a playdate with a friend that will be in their class, this way they will feel a bit more familiarity when they start back on their first day.

Talk with your child

Communication with your child is so important. Remember that children are still learning how to understand and interpret their own emotions, thoughts, and feelings, and voicing them can sometimes help. Your best option may even be to consider kid’s therapy in Carrolton, while a professional will know how to properly address any communication problems your child may be experiencing. As a parent, try to normalize any stress or nervousness they may be feeling about going into the new school year. Let them know you are open to talk and listen to them. Encourage them to voice any concerns they may be having and let them know that these feelings are normal and okay.

Going back to school can be very difficult for some children and families as a whole. Certain children are more prone to stress and nervousness than others and this can have a severe impact on their mental health if not addressed. Ensure that your child knows how to deal with these emotions and feelings they may be having. If your child doesn’t seem to be handling these things well, consider having them speak with a teen therapist in Carrolton.

Here at Lifeworks, we are a trusted, caring, and highly recommended counseling center that can help. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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