
13 Reasons Why You Need Lifeworks

By May 25, 2017 No Comments

13-reasons-why-you-need-lifeworksSince the release of the Netflix Original Show “13 Reasons Why,” parents, educators, and teenagers all across the nation have been raising questions and concerns about the TV shows representation of a best-selling novel. This TV show has created a viral storm across the nation, and especially for psychologists and therapists across the nation. At Lifeworks, we pride ourselves on remaining up to date with mental health issues. So, why should you come to Lifeworks for your counseling and therapy needs? We have compiled a list of 13 reasons why Lifeworks may be the right for you:

  1. Counseling of Anxiety and Panic Therapy

The presence of excessive anxiety and worry about a variety of topics, events, or activities can be extremely overwhelming. Sometimes you may feel worried in a mannerism that is clearly excessive. This means you worry even when there is nothing wrong or in a manner that is disproportionate to the actual risk. You may see yourself spending a many waking hours worrying about something, or maybe have feelings of anxiety or panic without any warning. At this time, it helps to seek intervention by a professional.

  1. Counseling for Depression

From time to time, we all feel down, or something we label as depression. Sadness is a normal reaction to life’s setbacks and disappointments. Whereas some are able to overcome these feelings, others may feel continued distress in sleep (more or less), loss of interests, guilt, lack of energy, poor concentration, appetite (more or less), psychomotor retardation, or even thoughts of suicide. If you find yourself experiencing these feelings, then contact Lifeworks today to schedule our consultation.

  1. Counseling and Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a relatively common debilitating disorder that consists of a distressing or impairing preoccupation with imagined or slight defects in appearance. BDD is commonly considered to be an obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder, based on similarities it has with obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you are struggling with how you look, please let me help. With the assistance of Lifeworks counselors, you can learn to overcome poor self-image and learn to like your body again.

  1. Therapy and Counseling for Abuse & Trauma

Being a victim and/or a survivor of an abusive or traumatic assault can lead to a difficult time adjusting with your day to day life. Our counselors can help you gain control of your life and help you cope with your experience.

  1. Relationship Counseling and Therapy

There is no secret to what makes a relationship great, however, we can begin with something basic like communication. Lifeworks offers an array of counseling options for all types of relationships.

  1. Eating Disorders Counseling

Eating disorders are now prevalent among both genders and across all ages, classes, and cultures. Whether you are struggling with limiting your food intake or are binge eating and purging, eating disorders are both physically and emotionally distressing. With the help of our Lifeworks counselors, you can begin a healing process for your mind and body.

  1. Family Counseling and Therapy for Children

Whether your child is being bullied at school or is in struggling to find themselves, it can be difficult for you as much as it is for them. Many families feel this strain and turn to a professional for advice and even just to talk.

  1. Counseling for Work Related Stress

Work-related stress is extremely straining in one’s professional and personal life. Lifeworks counselors have the right tool to help you resolve some of this stress in healthy ways.

  1. Counseling and Therapy for Health Related

When a person has been told some hard news by their physician, such as cancer or diabetes, it can be difficult to adjust their lives around their disease. At Lifeworks, we understand the importance of physical and mental health, and we can help you find some solemnness.

  1. Grief Counseling and Therapy

With compassion and understanding, Lifeworks counselors can help you through the painful stages of grief. The loss of a loved one can cause extreme distress and, if not resolved, can lead to depression.

  1. Counseling and Therapy for Life Transitions

If you are transitioning into a career, a relationship, a home, or an environment, consider allowing our team of professional counselors and therapists to assist you. With a Lifeworks counselor, you will create ways to reduce stress and maximize opportunities to make the life transition not only smooth but rewarding.

  1. Self- Injury Counseling and Therapy

Self-Injury is widely misunderstood and can have a variety of underlying causes and triggers. I understand that these causes and triggers are real and painful. By helping to identify them, we can offer alternative coping methods that are not addictive or destructive. If you or your adolescent is struggling with any form of self-injury, please seek help.

  1. Counseling for Lack of Self Esteem

Poor self-esteem can cause an individual to become socially isolated, leading to difficulties in creating healthy relationships and being left behind in the workplace. Learning how to overcome these feelings with a counselor can significantly change your outlook on yourself and your life.

Here at Lifeworks, we serve the community of Carrollton and Dallas, Texas. If you have are experiencing any of the 13 reasons mentioned or have questions on any other counseling that we provide, contact us today. Aside from the 13 types of counseling mentioned here, we offer a wide array of counseling for people of all walks of life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, contact us today. At Lifeworks, we may have the grief therapist that will help you cope with your loss.


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