Person-centered therapy, also known as Rogerian therapy, was developed by Carl Rogers around the 1940s. It is a non-directive, empathic approach that motivates and empowers the client in the session. The therapy allows clients to navigate the situation themselves and fulfill their true potential. Person-centered therapy believes that every human has the will and power to overcome any problem depending upon their qualities and uniqueness. Every person is different and has unique attributes and problem-solving capabilities, which the therapy helps harness so humans can create a better version of themselves. In this blog, we will take at understanding in-depth what person-centered therapy is and how it can benefit you. How Can You Benefit from Person-Centered Therapy? Person-centered therapy is best suited to clients going through relationship issues, mid-life crises, anxiety, phobias, self-esteem issues, unexplained fears, overthinking, and depression, among many others. There are many benefits the client gets due to this therapy, some of which are listed below. Respectful Counselors Needing therapy is a massive deal for many people and can further increase anxiety and panic attacks. But in this therapy, you won’t be judged or asked any unnecessary questions; the counselor will make you comfortable by being your partner…
When do you need to seek the services of a career counselor? The answer is simple—whenever you feel the need for help in making the right choice of career. This is when the question of how do you know when it is time to make use of these services arises. Here are some of the signs that indicate when to seek professional help. When Should You Choose Career Counselling? Career counseling can be a great way to help you find a job that fits your skills and interests. It also helps you figure out what to do with your life if you’re unsure about where to go next. But there are some times in life when career counseling is more valuable than others. Here are some of those times: If You Don’t Have Work Experience Yet or Just Starting Out in the Workforce. Career counselors can help you determine what jobs would be good fits for your personality and skills. They can also help you develop a plan for getting that first job—whether it’s volunteering, taking an internship, or going back to school for training. If You Want to Make a Career Change but Aren’t Sure What the Best…
Therapy is one of the most effective-yet-feared avenues for the welfare of a child. Discovering that your kid needs professional help can be an uncomfortable spot to be in. However, mental health issues are part and parcel of life and should be dealt with the same tact as other health conditions. Let’s understand how kids’ therapy can work wonders for your child in the long run. Need for Kids Therapy It is essential to understand that untreated emotional and behavioral anomalies will affect your child’s future health and well-being detrimentally. Fixing these mental health issues will provide them with the liberty to lead an everyday life at school and on the playground amongst friends. Moreover, the techniques involved in therapy also help inculcate a healthy foundation of skills that your child can build upon for the rest of their life. It makes the child well-equipped with the right mindset to manage, overcome, and get rid of the symptoms. Eventually, they will become rounded individuals and functional members of society. Types of Therapies for Children and Teens The type of therapy offered to individuals is decided upon after consideration of a lot of aspects, including their age. Here is a…
The idea of “new year, new me” is not as easy to do as it is said. Nonetheless, these new ambitions or goals that we set mostly stem from the idea of building a better life physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and socially. But while running through the maze of goal setting and achieving, it is not uncommon for almost all of us to sway past our capabilities and exhaust ourselves in the process. Over time, we tend to give up on these goals by labeling them ‘unrealistic.’ This leads to reduced self-esteem and increasingly depressing frustration and stress. According to the National Mental Health Institute, approximately one in five individuals have mental health issues indicating that it is high time that we realize the importance of mental health upkeep in 2022. Following are some mental health tips for self-improvement in 2022 to increase your work efficiency and success rate. 1. Prioritize basic needs As trivial as it may sound, mental health issues are exaggerated by not sleeping, eating, and exercising on time. Setting up proper sleeping schedules and achieving 6–8 hours of optimal sleep, eating well-balanced three meals a day, and engaging in some sort of physical activity daily are…
Amidst the re-emergence of the COVID-19 crisis, the most dreaded “work from home” lifestyle is returning once again to offices and universities. While working from home can dispel the stress of commuting and setting social boundaries in the office space, ironically, it can increase work stress by actualizing patterns of boredom and monotony in the home environment. A WFH lifestyle can become exigent due to many factors. The challenges differ for people who live with family and those who live only by themselves. Being alone at home can decrease work motivation by doling out little-to-no stimuli to get out of bed and begin work while the entire world is in a pandemic. Working from home around the family is demanding when setting boundaries and following routines. Setting aside time for house chores while also listening to sobbing kids and your difficult boss simply increases frustration. Worries about future job prospects and promotions can add to the anxiety and frustration. All things combined, this lifestyle can impose a huge toll on our mental health. Therefore, it becomes exceedingly important to check out these top mental health tips for remote workers to make WFH a little more fun and pleasurable. 1. Build…
Nearly one in 5 adults in the United States lives with a mental health condition. Ranging from mild to severe, these mental illnesses can be debilitating for the people that suffer from them, especially for those who don’t receive help. Keep reading to learn more about psychotherapy and how it can help. What Is Psychotherapy? Also called talk therapy, psychotherapy is a way to help people with a wide variety of mental health conditions or emotional difficulties. Psychotherapy aims to treat the symptoms and resolve the challenges presented by mental illnesses and can be used alone or alongside medication. Psychotherapy is similar to counseling, but it tends to look deeper into the cause of the issue. This helps people learn more about their condition, themselves, their goals, and how to develop healthy coping mechanisms. Types of Psychotherapy We offer several types of psychotherapy at Lifeworks Counseling Center. This includes: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps people identify their harmful thoughts and behaviors and works to replace them with healthier and more functional alternatives. CBT is commonly used to treat depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and trauma-related disorders. Rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) is very similar to CBT in that it works to help…
Now that school is back in session, teenagers face new stress of balancing homework, extracurricular activities, family situations, and social events. It’s a lot for a developing brain to manage, and many teens need extra mental health support. The pressures of ongoing responsibilities and a jam-packed schedule can make it hard for people of all ages to cope with stress. Often, the most effective mental health solutions start with self-care and small, daily habits. In order to have the resilience and wellness needed to get through the day, teenagers must begin with a good night’s sleep. Teenagers and Sleeping Habits The problem is that many teens are developing poor sleep habits. They stay up too late, often spending hours on social media, playing video games, or texting with their friends. These activities stimulate the eyes and brain, making it hard to fall asleep at a reasonable hour. Exhaustion sets in the next day, making it hard to get through daily responsibilities due to lack of sleep. So, a teenager often feels the need to take a nap after school, which disrupts the sleep cycle even more. This vicious pattern takes an undeniable toll on mental health and overall wellness. Why…
Did you know that suicide is the second most common cause of death in teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19? September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and this topic is more important than ever. The mental health strain from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is taking a toll on people of all ages. The National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month started through The Jason Foundation. Clark Flatt wanted to honor memories of his son, so he founded the movement to bring awareness about the topic of suicide in our communities. This organization offers resources and training to help people of all ages learn the signs of suicide. A Silent Epidemic Suicide is a “silent epidemic” sweeping across the nation. As a result, mental health experts designated this month as a National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month as a way to share information with family, friends, advocates, teachers, and the community. The goal is to reduce the risk of suicide by identifying the early signs of mental health issues. Not only are teenagers at risk for suicide, but adults are also facing mental health challenges that lead to suicide attempts at times. By educating the public about the risks and signs, we…
It may not occur to you that you can get help during bereavement. Yet, if you have lost a loved one, the feelings of grief can overwhelm your life. So, what are the stages of bereavement? What can you expect from bereavement therapy? And how can you recognize when you need to seek counseling? Read on to find out. The Stages of Bereavement You may think that someone close to you has to die in order to experience real grief. But you can experience bereavement during any significant life change: divorce, relationship end, job loss, illness diagnosis, moving, retirement, or sending a child off to college. Here are the stages of grief: Denial: The first stage of grief includes feeling like your loss didn’t happen. You pretend that everything is okay and compartmentalize the loss as if someone is just on vacation or away on business. Anger: Sometimes, when you experience the anger stage of bereavement, you direct your big emotions toward something unrelated to the loss. This could be a neighbor who is blaring their music or a child who is acting up. Bargaining: You go through scenarios where if one thing went differently, you would still have your…
Mindfulness Can Help Improve Your Mental Health Millions of people live with anxiety, depression, and a host of other mental health conditions that affect their day-to-day lives. People are always looking for a way to manage their mental health effectively. One such practice many people find helpful is mindfulness. But what really is mindfulness? This concept has been around for thousands of years but only gained popularity in western cultures in the 1970s. It draws from ancient Hindu and Buddhist philosophy and traditions. Many psychologists are enamored with it, making it one of the most widely researched areas in modern psychology. It has proven time and time again to be an effective way to help those manage their mental health. Even the team at Lifeworks Counseling Center recognizes the many mental health benefits mindfulness presents. Lifeworks Counseling Center understands the importance of prioritizing your mental health. As last year has shown us, life can throw many things at us that impact our mental health negatively. Practices such as mindfulness can help you manage your mental well-being. If you are looking for counseling or would like to learn more about mindfulness, contact Lifeworks today. History of Mindfulness Mindfulness is deeply rooted…